Monday, February 24, 2014

     One of the reasons I went into general pediatrics is because I like variety. Friday at Liteta was above and beyond. Started out with stitches on a little girl's face who "got stoned" (o/w known as neighbor kid threw a rock and hit her) in clinic. Then a seizing child with malaria at the hospital. While going to tell the nurse orders after seeing a newborn with hyperbili and sepsis, I walk into him in a room with two women delivering babies at the same time-grabbed gloves and caught one on the way out. Thankfully he had the woman with twins. Back to outpt clinic for new dx kaposi's sarcoma, hernia, and help remove foreign body from eye. Then unhappily pronounce the child with malaria dead, and as I'm walking back from seeing another septic newborn with pneumonia that I'm very worried won't make it, the grandma of the baby I delivered runs into me. She is smiling ear to ear and wants to know my name so she can name the newborn girl after me. Poor thing having a name no one here can pronounce! Quite the fun conversation trying to get her to even say my name...what does it mean etc and she even had me write it down for her. Hope she goes with the derivation she mentioned, "Oh Heather, that's like Ethel."  Throw in at least a dozen more "regular" cases and that was my day. (followed by the harrowing 1.5 hour drive home). Think I need a slow day soon. So glad for everyone's prayers. I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me!

     In between clinics this past week and this week I am co-teaching with Christine at the Bible School again.  We are teaching Intro to Church Music. I'm learning new things along with the students. Like how to pronounce antiphony, polyphony, and monarchic. Just wish technology would cooperate more. Powerpoint, youtube clips, projectors and windows vista do not get along yet. (nor will they ever but I figured out a work around mostly).  It seemed partly a course in church history as we went through the history of church music starting from the Old Testament (Moses and Miriam's songs with shofars and tamborines)  and worked our way forward through New Testament times, Reformation, Baroque music to modern day hymns and gospel songs.  The students did a great job learning the difficult material.  I learned myself as I looked up Old Testament musical instruments and heard clips on Youtube of shofars and harps.  I enjoyed sharing some of my favorite Baroque pieces with them like the Hallelujah Chorus and Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring.  They said they enjoyed hearing the variety of music-much which they have never heard.  Fun to see their surprise when I played Joy to the World and told them the music was written by Bach and the words by Isaac Watts.  Who knew Fanny Crosby wrote over 8,000 songs! Finishing the class out later this week with a round of Jeporady to review for the final and playing the viola for them.  

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