Sunday, February 17, 2013

Would appreciate people's prayers. Someone advised me there would be "attacks" as time grew closer to leave and I didn't disbelieve them. I am sensing the fight. Some complicated things at work need prayer. Then last night I had a bad bout of croup, something I haven't had since before my vocal cord surgery. I'm breathing okay now but have to do some steroids. I am supposed to be speaking for Sunday School and the sermon tomorrow at a church.

Thank you all for the prayers.  I could breath last night and my voice held out for speaking in Sunday school and service today.  The people at Eau Claire Community Church are very dear and uplifting.  Enjoying preparing and giving sermons more then I ever thought I would.  Wasn't even flustered by my technology giving me fits.  

I now have a plane ticket reserved to leave from Milwaukee on March 18th.  This will be a full and busy month.  Last day of work in this Thursday.  My storage place opens up next Monday and I move the big stuff in the following Wednesday.  My last Sunday at my church in Michigan will be March 3rd.  Not exactly sure of my last day in Michigan but will be about March 6 or 7.  Many goodbyes to go.  Hold so many people dear here.  Looking forward to hellos in Zambia.  

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Just finished a lovely Saturday morning with a woman from Zambia who lives right by me.  One of my surgical partners was doing a surgery for her and happened to ask where she was from.  When she said Zambia, he mentioned he had a friend going there.  She gave him her number which he passed on to me.  Such amazing connections even before I head over.  Her uncle is a pathologist at the main hospital in Lusaka.  This is perfect since one of my goals is to help be a connection to those farther from the city who need more advanced medical care.  I spent 2 hours with her and her 2 sons swapping Zambia stories and gaining insight.  All this while beautiful snow is falling for the ski trails!