Friday, December 20, 2013

Today marks the end of the Foundations for Health class for the pastors at our Bible school.  They are taking their final today. The only thing left for Christine and I to do is grade their final take home project next month.  We had a great time teaching.  We introduced them to the game of Jeopardy for the review session for the final.  Christmas cookies and soda rounded out the party for the last day of class.  Below are a couple fun pictures of teaching the Heimlich maneuver.  My stuffed moose have upgraded to "moosenaries."  (Thanks Uncle John).  They came in handy as pretend infants.  We also practiced splinting with available supplies to transport a person with a fracture to clinic.

 To celebrate Kathleen's birthday, we all gathered at Christine's house and learned about jack fruit.  The Sawka's taught us how to cut and eat it.  It's in the mulberry family and is the largest fruit that grow on trees.  They can be up to 80 lbs!  The flesh is mild flavored and sweet.  The seeds can be boiled, and Sue describes aptly as a cross between a macadamia nut and a boiled peanut.  Ken decided to be a fruity Santa. Can't accuse us of not having fun!

 Along the way this week I managed to see about 5 different patients for various housecalls in the afternoon.  My best payment yet--gingerbread cookies!  I also had my next govt meeting for Helping Babies Breathe.  Little more paperwork/letter obtaining and I should be set.  Please keep it in your prayers.   Looking forward to my equipment arriving and setting dates for the training.  To keep with the health and teaching theme, Sunday I was asked to talk to the youth for a session during their retreat this week.  Today I had a great time doing a question/answer period on HIV/AIDS that segued nicely into their next session on purity.  Love how the Holy Spirit coordinates things.  I didn't tell them my topic, and they hadn't told me the rest of the program.  We just "happened" to be ordered that way in a 4 day retreat.  The students were very energetic and open.  I was happy to share truths about HIV/AIDS (where it came from, how it's spread, how we can help stop it) while sharing my own testimony of purity.

Lastly, I wanted to share my newest neighbor in my yard.  A very cute chameleon.  He was not as excited to see me as I was him.  Those eyeballs followed me very closely.

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