Sunday, November 17, 2013

I had a wonderful day at Bethel Clinic Thursday. Who couldn't love working at a place with such lovely flowering trees? (picture below) Milked another cow today-still have a lot to learn on how to do it efficiently. Then enjoyed a cheeseburger in the garden...cheese for me, burger for two kitties at my feet. Had a lovely conversation with the farmer owner and his wife. The best was having a waitress stop by and ask if I recognized her. I didn't b/c last time I saw her we were giving her IV fluids and almost carrying her out of the clinic. I was quite worried about her at that point. Now she was standing in front of me back to work and smiling. We treat, Jesus heals!

Had my excitement for the week as I was closing my laptop, ready for bed. Something caught my eye in the small area leading to my bathroom in the chalet. It was a thin gray patterned snake! Walked in my pjs to find a night guard (other clothes were too close to the snake). By the time the three guys are looking in my room, it was gone. Changed rooms and tried to identify it on the web. Failed to figure out what it was exactly.  I'm kicking myself for not taking a picture of it.  I was too worried thinking about the guards being offended of me wearing shorts.  It's okay for men but not women.  They laughed when I described the snake as "kind of pretty."

Liteta Hospital report: So happy to report the little malnourished boy went home on Monday...after 1 month in the hospital. The girl with nephrotic syndrome two weeks ago went home looking like another person-swelling all gone! And the newborn with respiratory distress pulled through and went home in a couple days.
Praying for another 4 y/o little girl with pneumonia to pull through. Lower respiratory tract infections are one of the leading causes of death in children of the world.

Today was a wonderful day at church. Bishop was on fire after returning from his time of rest and waiting on the Lord. New music leader energized the congregation and gave nice order to the worship time. Walked home from church with a few ladies who stopped to visit a woman newly widowed. Too many deaths here. Good time of learning and just "being". He was a young man who just finished his Bible/pastoral degree.  He leaves behind a wife and three young children (oldest is 10 y/o).  Here widows don't have to just mourn their husbands but have to worry about what his family will take in expectation.  I don't know all the details of this family-she mentioned one family made a point that they were Christian so won't do all the traditions.  Traditions can include taking clothes, furniture, appliances, even the house.  People come and stay at the house for the funeral proceedings that can take several days to a week.  The bereaved is expected to feed and house them for as long as they stay and often provide transport money for them to go back home.  There are some laws in place now to prevent land grabbing but I'm not sure how well-enforced they are.  

Then tonight I practiced Handel's Messiah with a mixed group of musicians who are part of the Lusaka Music Society.  So fun to be part of an ensemble again, read from sheet music, and play one of my favorite works. Concert in 2 weeks! 

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