Saturday, August 17, 2013

Here are pictures from our Community Health Evangelism of Zambia Convention.
 This is preconference training on a briquette making press.  It takes local combustible materials to replace charcoal.  Deforestation to make charcoal is a major problem. The mixture of sawdust, paper etc is mixed into a slurry and pressed  into a disc and then dried in the sun.
 My truck carrying firewood to heat water for bathing.
 Me teaching on Moringa trees.
 Frank teaching on gardening techniques.
 Robin teaching how to make a solar oven.
 Christine sharing on the power of the baptism in the Holy Spirit for evangelism.
 Pastor Zulu exhorting us about how God has chosen each of us before we were born for a purpose.
 Briefly sharing at church on Sunday.
 Praise and worship time.
 Bishop Mondu giving the opening address.
 Mrs. Monde teaching on micro-enterprise.
 Andy teaching how to make a chicken tractor.  It's mobile so the chickens don't eat all the plants in one area and their droppings can be in different parts of your yard.
 Me teaching on composting.
 Elder Gibstar from Circle of  Hope HIV clinic talking about HIV counseling. 

Robin showing the solar cooker and dehydrator working.  She made yummy rice and banana bread.

Sending the CHEs out with prayer.
We are grateful to the Sustain Hope Team from the U.S. (Frank, Robin and Andy) for sharing so much of their practical knowledge and hearts with the people of Zambia.  Many sustainable ideas were learned this past week and people were encouraged to share the Gospel in unique ways with their neighbors.

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